Share Your Story Vlog: Anxiety and Depression, by Stephanie Fusco

Our Share Your Story Campaign is all about sharing your story of how you overcame fear through a hardship — it’s about showing the world, you’re not alone in your battles. There’s a community here, within Fearless Movement that will not only give you the tactics to overcome those circumstances, but to comfort you in time of fear — to help you rise above.

Our Social Wall in this campaign consists of multiple stories ranging from huge fears to small ones — but all leave a forever impact on those it encounters. 

You may be questioning, “Who can post their story on our Social wall?” Anyone. Yes, that means you! 

Stephanie wanted to share her story because she knew if she didn’t, she went through it all for nothing.

She even stated how she was afraid to share it considering of what others would think of her — but Stephanie realized, that was her fear not only trying to take hold of her again, but so many others as well if she didn’t share it.

Have you ever battled with Anxiety, Depression or both? If so, check out Stephanie’s story below and definitely share. 

If you want to share your story and take part in our Social Wall you can do so through two ways : 

  1. Email us for a time and date where we can buy you coffee (or some other type of drink), chat about your story and write an outline about sharing it.
  2. Schedule a time to film it! 

Remember, God gave you a voice for a reason. Use it! 

Instagram: @fearlessmovement


Ashley Kulikowski
Founder and CEO of Fearless Movement


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