Don't just think. DO. What's good 2018?

Last year the week before NYE I wrote my 2017 goals I wanted to accomplish.

I’m proud to say, I was able to accomplish every single one of them.

It’s so important to write out your goals and hang them somewhere that you’ll be reminded every day when you wake up. Looking at these goals gave me ambition to wake up in the morning and actually DO THINGS that would help me see them come to life. It was hard, but extremely rewarding. 

My number one goal was to win a Miss America Local crown and I did ONE MONTH LATER! I am a huge believer in God’s word and speaking positive things into your life. Every morning I woke up and said, “Thank you God for crowning me. Thank you for opening up doors of opportunity with this crown. Thank you for making this list come true.” 

Next thing you know, I walking the stage with the ugliest crying face known to man and thanking God for his blessing. He rewards those who work hard. Listen, I competed in 19 local pageants before I was crowned, and named 1RU in 5 IN A ROW. I was feeling defeated, but I kept my positive thinking and I kept doing what I had to do in order for this dream to come true.

My next goal was reaching 10,000 views on and boy, right now all I have to say to those who are reading is, THANK YOU! I believed with my whole heart this could happen, all I had to do was keep promoting it on Facebook, social media sites, etc. But even with doing that, hitting 10,000 views may have not happened still. It’s with the faith that I have in my followers and members like YOU, I was able to check this one off the list. 

For all of those out there who want to start a blog or are even just thinking about it, stop thinking about it. Do it. None of these goals on my list would have came true if I just “Thought about it”. Especially this next one…

If just thinking about getting fit made me fit, I would have solid abs and arms right now. But well, what’re you going to do right?

So this goal was definitely accomplished while preparing for Miss New Jersey as Miss Stars and Stripes! Unfortunately, It wasn’t maintained to a “Fitness” scale. I know I have a healthy body, healthy body image, and I love my body as should you. But I did allow my fitness to slip through the cracks after accomplishing this goal and that’s something I’m going to put back on to my list this year. Not to “Get fit” but to "obtain fitness” and that’s by DOING, not just thinking. 

This next one I’m extremely excited to type about…

“Work for the Fearless Epilepsy Foundation of NJ”

This goal was accomplished the first week in January. In December I found a position on line and sent my resume in. First week of January I was called for the interview and then received the job! Ever since then, I have only moved up. I started off as a Direct Support Professional for the Family Resource Network which is the Umbrella that the Epilepsy Foundation of NJ falls under. Now, I am the events coordinator for their Out-N-About program creating events for our individuals to meet their weekly goals at! (Such as getting out of the house, interacting with others, trying new things.) I am beyond blessed for this job and it wouldn’t have happened without a positive mindset, all of the work I did to put on my resume, the interview skills I have learned from the Miss America Organization and most importantly my faith in God. 

Listen, this next goal is BY FAR the best thing to happen all year.

Make Fearless Movement a 501 (C) (3) Non-profit organization! 

It took a lot of hard work and dedication to get Fearless Movement to this point. We first became a state wide non-profit and now Fearless Movement is officially a national/international tax-deductible non-profit organization! This will open up many doors, especially finding a cure for those battling Epilepsy. Look out for what’s next on our event agenda, something BIG! 

Listen, I didn’t list my goals I accomplished for you to clapp and say congratulations Ashley! I listed my goals so that you would be inspired to do so as well. I was in a workshop a couple months prior to writing my New Years list and it shared about having realistic goals. I believed that these 5 goals were realistic and I could obtain them. I’ll be honest two out of the 5, may have not been as realistic as the others but I knew the will and strength inside of me could make it happen. I knew waking up in the morning and thanking God for his favor upon my life and these goals would help bring them into fruition. 

I had fears of writing these goals down and looking at 2018 terrified because none of them came true, but I overcame those fears by facing it. A cool acronym of F.E.A.R is 

Face. Everything. And. Rise. 

 That’s what I did with this list in 2017. That’s what I’ll be doing in 2018. I hope my story has inspired you to get out of bed this morning and write yours out. I overcame the fear of failure. What fears do you want to overcome? 
You have ONE DAY to do it before 2018 happens! Do it NOW.

Here is our link to our year in review again of all of our events within the past year. We are SO grateful for our fearless community.

Remember, this year is the year for the fearless.

I’m rooting for you.


Ashley Kulikowski
Founder and CEO of Fearless Movement

(Picture of founder at the bottom by suziryanphotography) 


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