Happy 2016 //Stop sleeping with the liars.\\
Tonight I had a 3 hour Writing Intensive class with the one
and only Hannah Brencher. It was not only educational but inspiring and
uplifting and I hope through what she has taught me, I can teach you and
inspire you to do great works such as she has. Start off your new year with one
goal in mind, to stop sleeping with the liars.
The liars are the ones who keep us up at night telling us
what we can’t do. They’re the ones who tell us that our fears are bigger than
our dreams so there is no point in fighting back. In fact, don’t even fight
because if you throw one punch we’ll break both hands and you won’t be able to
do anything with them again. That’s what going to sleep with these liars can do
to us. Keep us ineffective from anything we try to succeed at. These liars
start with a small and subtle voice that we agree on listening too. It then
begins to build up over time and they’re not so subtle anymore. They become
much louder and start to scare us, in fact terrify us.
“Those 10lbs you wanted to lose? No don’t even try to that,
you still wont be pretty enough.” They’re saying. “That cute sun dress you want
to buy? Ha. If only you’d look as good as the model advertising it. In your
dreams sweetie.” Or how about for the men, “That woman you want to be your
girlfriend, loved one or partner? Forget about it. She’ll never go for a low
life like you. So treat her like crap. How about telling her she isn’t worth
anyone’s time. Kill her pretty self esteem and go mess around and break some
girl’s hearts. That’ll make you a man worth being with.” Oh wait, this one is
for both genders… the liars want to tell you, “You’re not good enough to change
this world. Your story of your horrid childhood won’t help anyone. Your story
about your depression is only going to make people feel depressed and sad. Don’t
bring it up. It’s better to keep it in. You’ll show the world your weakness.
You really want them to know where to hit you were it hurts? Just shush. Don’t
say a word about that boy or girl getting bullied. They’ll only bully you too. Hey,
keep quiet! Don’t compliment them, they’ll only think you’re sucking up to them
or you have a hidden agenda.”
No matter what the voices inside your head or those around
you tell you, you ARE pretty enough. Oh and when I say you look good MMM boy, you
look great! Wear your outfits confidently. Yes, I am quoting Miss Universe, you
are #confidentlybeautiful. As I said previously in another blog post, comparison
is the thief of joy. Stop listening to the liars and comparing yourself to
photo shopped, Instagram filtered humans. Hey men, listen up. These liars are
sharing horrible advice with you. From a WOMAN’S perspective… treating a lady
like crap, using her and killing her self-esteem is a horrible thing to do. She
will not respect you, nor will she ever trust you. As long as you listen to
what these “reality TV” shows share with you, and then the voices inside your
head, you will never have a great relationship. No matter how successful a
woman is, or how beautiful she is, or how “out of your league” you think she
is, you will always have a chance if she is not already taken by another man. If
she does not choose you, do not be discouraged. She simply wasn’t the one for
you and that’s okay. The quote, “There is plenty of fish in the sea” is true.
To the ladies and to the men, be the best possible version of yourself and love
who you are before you decide to love someone else. You will then find who your
heart so desires.
Now now… to both genders who are dream chasers but feel that
their fear is much larger than their dreams could ever be… Yes, I am speaking
to YOU. I was there. I listened to the lies and I went to bed with them every
night for over a year. Yes, I was depressed and I am not going to hide that
like the voices in my head are telling me too. Depression is real. Fear is
real. Statistics show that 121 million people all over the world suffer from
depression or some form of anxiety. It
starts with fear, then leads into something much deeper. But then I woke up one
morning realizing my dreams will never become a reality until they are much
larger then my fears. Fear is a bitter, bitter thing that can take and take
from you until you have nothing left.
The Liar’s Job Description…
“If you can keep them from gaining courage and boldness and
real life, they will be unable to propel others forward.”
Is that what you want? To let the liars and fears set place
these thoughts and things in your life hold you back from amazing opportunities
to change our world? You may have been battling with these fears and lies for
years. But I am here to tell you, no matter your story, whether it’s a small
battle you faced, or something as an illness what I have been battling with, it
can and will help others if you speak up. You have a voice and it is time it
has been heard. You have kept quiet for too long and it has to stop. You are
strong, you are brave and you can do this. Your dreams are waiting to be
accomplished, but will you break the chains that these liars have on you? That
these fears have placed upon your life? Or will you let someone else accomplish
your dreams while you watch, in a pool full of tears, and tissues floating
around you in a dark room with no light shining through. Well here is your
light. It’s time you take a stand for your life first, so you can help others
take a stand for theirs. It’s time you be the light that sparks a fire into the
souls you encounter to only do the same. Your story is worth telling so please,
share it with someone.
I am sorry if I came off so dogmatic tonight, but I felt
that I had too. This topic is something I felt very passionate about. I also
encourage you all to follow Hannah Brenchers blog. Www.HannahBrencher.com // She is an
inspiring young woman that helps me break the chains of my fears every day and
helps me thank Jesus for how he made me. Perfectly imperfect. \\ Please share
your story with us at @fearlessmovement on Instagram, @DROPFEAR_ on Twitter, or
my email : ashleykulikowski37@gmail.com
We’re rooting for you.
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