Confession Time: Feeling Like Fears Can Overcome You? I Do.
Confess. Confession. Confessed. No matter how you use that word they seem scary, am I right?
Today has been a day where I feel as if my Fears have overcame me. I know we all have those days so, I thought it was time I confessed I am Human too. Even though I founded Fearless Movement, I still have days were my Fears DO overcome me. But, I learned something. To be the real definition of fearless, it is to have fears in the first place, right?
A real confession would be what my fears were today, so that I could drop them and gain courage to overcome, as Fearless Movements slogan (Drop fear, Gain courage). That is exactly what I am going to do tonight. Most of you know who I am, Ashley Kulikowski. It's not so easy being open to the world about your fears and writing them down on line, only behind a website when everyone knows who you are. Although, I want to be fearless. I want to fight for the ones who can't name their fears because they are still too scared. There are people in this world that are held back from amazing opportunities God has for them, but because of THEIR FEAR they cannot take part in them. Are you one of them?
My Fears today were, thinking there were better people out in this world that were going to conquer the dreams that I dream for myself first. I also thought along with that, the events I have coming up, will I be good enough? I feared I was not good enough and dreams of mine were not going to come true. Hm..... is that coming from the one who started a movement about dropping our fears? Yes it is. As I said up there to be Fearless, is to have fear in the first place. To drop fear, you have to show yourself all the reasons of why you should. Fears are chains. When will you break through?
Listing the reasons: I chose to DROP those two fears that overcame and consumed my mind today. I chose to drop them because; going to pursue my dreams and aspirations with that mentality, will get me no where close, to where I want to be. I am overcoming those fears by gaining courage and confidence. What we think of ourselves, is who we become. If you think of yourself as smart and intelligent, you will work your butt off to be smart and intelligent. If you think of yourself as dumb and stupid, you will sit there being ashamed of who you are and letting life's opportunities pass you by.
With that being said, what are you going to do with your fears? Choose to drop them tonight. Its lifting weights off of your shoulders, opening up new opportunities, and showing your fears you're not afraid to FIGHT BACK. I confessed two fears I faced today so I was able to drop them. It was very hard and frightening to confess that all to you so, I am not going to ask you to do that. I do challenge you to confess to one person. Confess to someone you trust and confide in. If you don't have someone like that in your life, you're more then welcome to come to me. Our twitter is, @DROPFEAR_ . Confide in us and we'll help you fight the good fight!
#FearlessMovementConfession #FearlessMovementsConfessedFears #FightTheGoodFight
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