Fearless Movement creates awareness for Human Trafficking Awareness Day
Human Trafficking is one of the most saddest things that can happen on this earth.Those being sold by their owners, for their bodies. What could they possibly fear and how do we help?
We help by creating awareness and FIGHTING for the ones who CAN'T. According to the U.S. State Department, 600,000 to 800,000 people are trafficked across international borders every year. More than 70% are female and half are children. How sickening is that? Each day these women wake up with the fear of having their kids being trafficked across borders to where they will never see them again, for their children's bodies to be bought and used. They could also fear being taken from their children forever.
PRICE LABELS ON THEIR WORTH: Globally, the average cost of a slave is $90. Did you read that right? Yes. The COST of a woman or child has a price. As if, that's how much they are worth. That is what these ladies and children think that they are worth by how much they are being bought for. Our worth does not come from what people may say about us, what we have done, or even in this case, how much they're bought for. Their worth is so much more.
At this moment, put yourself in those mothers shoes. If you are a mother and reading this, think about how it would feel to know your kids were bought as to show how much they were worth. They were bought to be used and that you were never going to see them again. If you are not a mother, think about the future and how you would feel. You could also think about your childhood. Think back to being 8 years old, wishing for the world yet still not knowing what you wanted with your life. You only knew what you wanted that day. You wanted to play with your neighbors, jump rope, four courners, heads up seven up, or watch a movie. These kids are scared for DEAR LIFE. How can we put a stop to this?
Fearless Movement as a whole, is agreeing to create awareness for human trafficking. WE are going to put a stop to this and believe that WE have the power to stop it. Every action is a chain reaction. Spread the awareness, donate to those who are going to put a stop to this in several countries and help spread fearless movement. Last but not least, remember to NEVER fear being different and stepping OUT of your comfort zone to help others. It will always be worth it.
Social media friends: Tonight get #FearlessMovementStopsTrafficking and also, #HumanTraffickingAwarenessDay trending. PUT A STOP TO THIS MADNESS. Fight for those who can't.
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