Fighting the GOOD fight; Volley for the Cure!

Fights. One word, so many meanings, yet not always good. So what do we do?

A main reason for Fearless Movement is because we need to strive to be fearless. One fight we all battle with is fear. Fears creep on us like little insects in the summer. They suck up the blood from our bodies and then leave a bump that itches until no end. For days that bump does not go away. That is exactly what fear does to us. It sucks the energy and life out of our souls, minds and bodies. We are also constantly reminded of how itchy it is when something rubs against it. We are constantly reminded of our fears by our minds.

This is the process: A thought is placed inside our head and then that turns into a mind set. After that, it sets limits on what we can and cannot do. As a teen battling with epilepsy, there are constant limitations that are placed in my life. Such as, sleeping out at a friends house all the time, certain trips, driving(Although I am 6 months free to get my permit! Praise the Lord.) and much more. Although I chose to stop looking at them as limitations. Yes, I still get upset from time to time when things go off the course I have planned but we all have our moments. Instead of letting my fears and my disease control me, I decided I am in control.

The first action I took to being in control, was trying to show others that they are in control too. Their fears, diseases and even labels people may place on them, DO NOT control them. Clear your mindset, as of now. Stop acting like you are controlled by situations in your life. YOU control your actions, and no one else does. So are you going to sit back and let them make you hide from what amazing plans God has for you?

Glassboro High school did not let their fears, or anything they were going through win their battles on November 25th, 2014. They fought the good fight and this time, it wasn't just for themselves. It was for everyone who was battling with fear that held them back in their lives and also those who fought and still do fight with epilepsy! Fearless Movements 1st annual "Volley for the Cure" was placed that night. 70 students and 10 faculty members fought each other on the volley ball court by having a great time with friends, and raising not only awareness for epilepsy, but over 600 dollars was raised for Clayton's Hope organization! How amazing is that? Students that I am still so extremely proud to call my classmates, took a stand in their fears and PAID to play for those with epilepsy. It was an amazing turn out for our first event and we are still raising money for them now, by the sales of our t-shirts! If you would like to buy a t-shirt, please comment below! I have many more events planned, and in the processed of being planned as we speak. YOU could be involved in them by just coming to watch! That night, the winning team was awarded with a gift card sponsored by Landmark Americana to go and celebrate afterwards. Congrats to our winning team, "Shane's Sons!" Although, will they be the reigning champions next year?

The answer on what to do with our fights: Fights like fear are fights we need to stop letting control us. You are strong enough and completely able to FIGHT THE GOOD FIGHT. Let your fears and struggles of today, be someones joy and encouragement tomorrow. I hoped on #MotivationMonday Fearless Movement has inspired you to not give up on these fights you are battling. Share this page if you feel like someone you know needs it, and also if you would like to spread epilepsy awareness! Help those who can't fight, fight until the battle is WON.

Extremely grateful for those who have helped by joining the Fearless Movement. My awesome art teacher, Mrs. Abrams helped me with all of the banners and setting up that night. Thank you to Mr. Cleary who has helped me more then he needed to with the registration and t-shirt forms. Another thank you to my Principal, Dr. Sneathen for letting my first event take place in our school! Last but certainly not least, thanks to all the teachers who have helped. Without my teachers, I couldn't of pulled it off.


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